Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014

Fairy Lights, Seattle by Georgianna Lane

As I look back and wonder at the unexpected blessings jewelry had brought into my life, one thought led to another and soon I was drawing up a list:
  1. Friendships forged on-and-offline and the sharing of tribulations and joys
  2. The sparkle in the eyes of my two-year-old niece when she holds up an earring I made
  3. Reconnecting with old friends and even doing a PMC class together
  4. Learning about jewelry history and antiquity... loved that Georgian locket pin I got!
  5. Appreciative customers... one of the reasons that keep me going... 
  6. The excitement of receiving gemstones in the mail... just can't resist buying more!
  7. Grateful and humble that my jewelry work is a part of a special moment in someone's life
2014 beckons another year of experiments - a different style, stones, techniques... I hope to make something out of it!


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